May 4, 2011

Obama sounds delicious

Sex advice columnist and Stranger editor Dan Savage wants to know whether a drink named "The Obama" at a restaurant in New York state is racist or not:
The Obama
Espresso, cocoa, white chocolate, macadamia nut, milk
So far, the votes are strongly in favor of "not racist." I looked at their menu, and they also have a cafe drink named the "Hot Mexican"... which I guess is better than naming it after, say, Jessica Alba, right?

On an unrelated-to-racism note, I like this comment the most:
"And, um, are they offering, say, a whipped, frothy, milk chocolate drink... o.O"


This one's confusing to me. Is he saying "Wat-aah!" as in, "Water: ahhh, that is refreshing!"? I think that's kind of what they're going for.

But... the boy is Asian right? I mean, I think so. Is it a Bruce Lee martial arts scream?

Or is he saying "water" and just mispronouncing it? Because if there's one thing we've learned from Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's, it's that talking like a stereotype is always good for a laugh.